Wednesday, October 13, 2004

The sound of a deadline

Advent Calendar : deadline fast approaches. I have, in fact, worked on this. Honest! See the proof below. Remember, this is hand pieced. It will be done on time. It will be done on time. (On time means Nov 15). Ah, deadlines. I love deadlines. Especially the sound they make as they fly by.

Posted by Hello


  1. I totally agree....deadlines are really hard with any sort of stitching/creativity. My first attempt at this was a birthday quilt and I couldn't take the pressure! LOL! I wish you luck and home that pressure makes you work better and harder!

  2. I've been wishing for an advent calendar myself, but I don't think I'll be making us one this year. My quilting has suffered since I started knitting, the newness of it all. I'm sure I'll get to it sometime.

    You're doing a great job on yours, I'm impressed.


  3. The Advent Calendar quilt is looking lovely. I was just going to send you an email asking you how that was going, since you hadn't posted about it in a while.
    Nice job!
    Deadlines are that whole, this must be done by x-day or else, pressure.

    How's the new bag?
    and the car?
